Adventure Time(2010) - I watched the youtube short Pen made and thought "holy crap if they make this a real show this will be my favorite show." And the actual realeased show several years later was more amazing than I dreamed. I was always surprised and interested to find where the story went yet. The storylines were some of the most emotional experiences I've ever seen on screen. Finn grows up through the series, and his life changes dramatically from what it was as a boy to what it is as a young man. How he deals with finding his father who abandoned him as a child, and later his mother, his first loves and crushes and how the heck exactly you can save everything all the time. There is so much subtext occurring in every episode, it's fascinating. And a creepy bipedal deer has hands. And the Lich is amazingly written, his evil goes straight to the subconscious. With the amount of content there is, it is shocking that so many of them are so amazing and have so much to teach. Really amazing.
American Horror Story(2011) - I liked the first season, loved the second(the shot of that tortured girl climbing up the stairs and being found by a kid is still branded in my mind) and then liked a lot of things about the subsequent seasons. They did find ways to make me uncomfortable in surprising ways, which pleasantly surprised me as a horror fan. I've watched all of the seasons now, and liked all of them. Some were better than others, but they are all good.
Andor(2021) - Holy cow are you kidding me this is what I've always wanted Star Wars to be An actual drama. Diego Luna is kiiiilling it. KILLING it. Astonishing. I just finished the whole first season, and the second one comes out in May. Very exciited, I absolutely loved the first season, best Star Wars media since the original trilogy.
Another Life(2019) - Good, but suffered from "Lost in Space" syndrome, where you are wondering when the plot will kick back in for half the season. Good special effects, fun enough story, and I like the problems that they did run into. I just wanted more answers more faster I guess. It was good and I hope it stays ended after Season 2. Good to see Katee Sackhoff still being a decisize lady in action.
Attack on Titan(2013) - Great show. Very weird, obviously, anime. But interesting storylines that only got jammed up once or twice. Very memorable, empathetic characters, great twists, good development, fair enough ending. Great visuals. So creepy that the monsters are giant surrealist humans instead of hairy, bestial creatures with fangs and seven eyes.
Avocado Toast - Wow, Talk about a sleeper hit. I enjoyed the first 7 episodes, fun enough, bit empty, kept watching, and then they actually made the show they wanted to make starting episode 8, and 8 9 10 GODDAM SLAM. Beautiful. And a hundred make me want to see subsequent seasons, which are apparently not being made. Dang.
Banshee(2013) - Four seasons, longer than I expected but they kept shit GOING for four seasons. This show was exciting and just the craziest opening to anything I've ever seen. Gets out of jail, people chase him, croweded city street, gets shot at, bikejacks motorcycle, stops by trans salon, job(who's the best) helps him, job is attacked, blows up salon, goes to banshee(we're like ten minutes into the first episode), sheriff shows up at bar, bar gets robbed, sheriff gets killed, jailbird kills bad guys, pretends to be sheriff, and it just keeps going for FOUR SEASONS. Plus they kill a BUNCH of main characters and I was absolutely SHOCKED both times spoiler. This show is batshit entertaining.
The Barbarian and the Troll(2022) - I think this is the highest quality explicitly children's show I've ever seen? In terms of writing, character design, the set, everything is done so well and is genuinely funny even though it would cop a G-rating. I love this show! Brendar the Barbarian. The owl is super funny. I feel like it's..chelsea peretti and i thought I knew the main character as well, I'm pretty sure Jack Black was in there but I don't recognize any names in the cast. AND this is the first thing I'm watching on my fancy new TV since I fixed everything up and IT WORKS PERFECTLY so that is also cool but I watched the first two episodes of this show on my phone and was still blown away by the quality. I keep chuckling watching it and really enjoying everything. Go on. Go on you! Check it out. I am sad for people who won't watch movies because they have puppets, or subtitles, or other cultures. It's like wearing one pair of pants from cradle to grave. Or eating porridge every day, forever. Their lives seem so bland without stories. But maybe they find fulfillment elsewhere. But only with one perspective. They find fulfillment within a single, unbranching point of comprehension. Mm. Things are simpler that way.
Bee and Puppycat(2015) - I love tis show. I like what a slobby doofus bee is and how compassionate and caring she is. I like Puppycat's snooty royal attitude and I super love how everything is wacky and surreal and hilarious. And I like th ecolors and animation. And the story arc. It's so good. It's so good make more! Make more Natasha!
Better Call Saul(2015) - So far(begining of second season) it's great. I like and sympathize much more with Saul after a couple episodes than I ever sympathized with Walter White, who I always found annoying and a selfish asshole. I love that I never got the 'sall good, man" joke until he explained it in the show. And I'm finishing the fourth season now. Still enjoying this show way more than Breaking Bad. Cranston is a great actor, I just don't understand the appeal of watching a terrible person choose to become terrible and do terrible things to other people because of selfishness. Felt the same way about Tony Soprano, just not a compelling character for me. Welp, I've made it through the show, loved it the whole way through, I enjoyed every episode, whereas with Breaking Bad I felt like I was just watching it so I would understand what people were talking about(never did, still don't). Kim Wexler is electrifying, probably tho most compelling lawyer I've seen on screen. And the story was exciting and crazy, I am really bummed we didn't get to see Gail in his Pollos lab for a scene, but it was still great. I guess I could go watch that season of Breaking Bad, but I can hardly bear the thought of Walter being a doofus and screwing everything up again. I think just by itself, Better Call Saul is a pretty great show and every turn it toook made the story more compelling. OH MAN and Lalo is SUCH a good character, total piece of shit obviously, but one of the most interesting bad guys because he had good instincts, was smart, empathetic, physically active and took initiative, but despite all of these traditionally admirable qualities was such an unrepentant piece of shit. Amazing performance by that actor. Tony Dalton. Amazing.
Birdgirl(2021) - Paget Brewster! And she was in the original Birdman cartoon, I had no idea. I might watch that again. I'm loving Birdgirl, it's so funny and quick, and there's such a deep well of jokes in every episode. They don't even spare a beat on each quip or joking grunt. And Paget's enthusiastic Amazonian tone is so appropriate and hilarious. Love the show.
Briarpatch(2020) - Really good story, great opening and I liked all the characters. Sometimes the tension wasn't there, and I think Dawson is an amazing dramatic actor but not a super action star, so the action sequences with her were weird. But overall I enjoyed the show a lot and really liked the boyfriend. Lots of fun surprises and good twists.
Broad City(2014) - This show makes me happy about friendships. They're both so funny and it's such a clear vision of their specific style of comedy. That last arc where they realize that documenting their life is getting in the way of living their lives is very insightful.
Channel Zero(2016) - This is a show that tells a different creepy story each season in six episodes. The first season captivated me and the fourth season might be my favorite, but all four seasons are worth watching. What's interesting is the stories are all based on creepypastas, internet-based modern urban legends written by random people around the world. This makes for incredibly creative and orginal horror stories told in a new way. I think they're really well done.
Charlie the Unicorn(2008) Do webseries count? They have to, because Charlie the Unicorn should be here. I just had a great time watching Charlie the Unicorn again with my neighbors, who hadn't seen the latest installments. Yvan loved the starfish who is SO funny(I wanna be with you forever!). We went costuming out together on Halloween eve eve that same night and then watched Charlie the Unicorn 3 and 4, or 2 and 3, plus Dick in a Box and a bunch of NSP and other fun stuff. Then they went home and I watched the 40-minute finale to Charlie the Unicorn, which I also loved. It was pure Charlie through and through, wrapping up some loose ends and cracking jokes the whole time. It was great! Since he got an offer from Adult Swim for the show, I'm wondering if that was supposed to be the first season and then after he turned them down he finally combined it all into one grand finale. In any case, thanks filmcow. Great series.
Clone High(2001) - It's back! Loved the original season, love the pilot episode of the new season. Man, I was obsessed with this show in high school when Labonte and Hengel introduced me to it. Still great. I need a cool shirt of clone high....
Close Enough(2020) - Wow, another great show. Really funny cartoon about raising a kid in today's world with surrealist adult animation and situations. Lots of violence! Lots of fun. Lots of goofiness. Just a couple 30s pluses trying to do good by their kid and each other. But really funny! The Turn down for what parody in the third episode had me CRAKKIN up.
Cowboy Bebop(1998) - I watched the movie of this anime before I ever saw the show. My friends were all going to watch it in the theater, and I was trailing this pretty girl named Jaime who was part of this group of friends. I didn't care what the movie was and was absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the surreal nature of the storytelling and how in-depth the created world was. I literally thought we were going to watch some puppet movie. And I love puppets, but not like the Dark Crystal, I thought it was like a muppet movie. Boy did I luck out. This is the first time I watched an anime and had enjoyed it. There was little enough vaudevillian slapstick comedy. None that I can recall, anyway. Just amazing characters, exciting adventures, a constant theme of dreams being reality and vice versa. Then I saw the show. Holy shit, what a show. The music fits every part of the story perfectly. The plot is constantly developing the characters to become more full and I cared for these characters all so much that it is still probably the TV show I have cried to more times than any other upon rewatching. VLC used to have an internet TV channel, and you could choose from a hundred different stations. One of them played Cowboy Bebop episodes in random order, and i would watch all of them over and over again. The setting, the plot, the character development, it was all fascinating. And there were seemingly arbitrary lines that you wouldn't really understand unless you already knew the whole story. What a great show.
Crashing(2017) - I enjoyyed the show a lot and watched the entire first season in one sitting. It's great that he got so many good comedians to help him, and the show feels very well put-together and tonally in sync, like all the actors know exactly how much goofiness and seriousness to dedicate. It seems a little weird to do a biographical show since he became so successful, and I was wondering if he was tooting his own horn, but you should get to toot your own horn now and then so congrats Pete.
Dark(2017) - Well, I've finished the first season, which calls for first impressions. I am glad season 2 ratcheted it up a notch. I like how so much is going on, and I love the rain. Rainy settings are great, although I"m bummed that the rain has somewhat let up, I'm assuming because after months of filming onderwater, the actors were like "Okay, that's enough." Anyway, I've started this show twice before, but I finally have the time and inclination to watch such a complex foreign story. I am amazed at how similar some of the actors are across generations, the physical characteristics are so well cast, and they all just happen to be great actors as well. I do like that there's always something new, the story is actually progressing and answering questions, not just meandering and ignoring threads and beginnig new plots as a distraction. No, there are dozens of stories going on, but each of them is very well adressed and has a distinct and recognizable plot within the series.
Dead to Me(2019) - really funny tv show with some good twists.
Deadwood(2004) - Deadwood is the reason I don't often care about the Old West. Almost anything I have seen in that genre was done better in Deadwood. Al is such a wonderfully multifaceted villain, Bullock was cast perfectly, his pace and tone fit the lawman persona. Everyone. Dan's fight, the dependence of Cy on his whores, the grit, the racism, the justice. It's all in this show. And it's all written magnificently and produced so well.
Demon Slayer(2019) - Pretty fun show about this kid slaying demons. Definitely seems like the overall trend of anime is heading towards more gruesome stories. Original characters and plot, it's fun to watch.
Detectorists(2014) - Very well written, and it's a lazy sort of British show where they investigate the minutia and make fun of the minutiae of a slightly unpopular hobby(metal detecting) and the fanatical interest and zeal all the detectorists have for it. Very finny, and the lead actor is the main writer, which I always like. Oh, and the theme song by Johnny Flynn is abssolutely phenomenal, and was written just for the show, although there's a slightly extended version out there and a 4-minute extra long cover by some american band. Great song, writing, show.
Falcon and the Winter Soldier(20whatever) - fodder? Not very interesting, I liked the bad guys, this was not great and a struggle to watch.
Firefly(2005) - All us Browncoats are real angry this got cancelled after a season. Probably the most cohesize and realistic group of characters in a wild space cowboy TV show, in my opinion. Funny, exciting, dark, dreamy, all the notes are there and hit in the most impressive way possible. I rewatched tihs series at least twenty times all the way through. There's so much in it that is done so well. So recommend.
Fleabag(2016) - What a phenomenal show. Very, very funny with great writing and acting and real, awkward family drama. Great show. The second seaon even outdid the first, which is amazing since the first season is GREAT. Hhaha I'm watching Waller-Bridge as L3-37 right now and rolling, she is so funny, even only as a voice.
From(2022) - really good tv show. I'm worried there are too many elements, like Lost, but I don't think anything is really being introduced and then immediately thrown away. People who get lost, from different places, end up living in a town populated by human mimics htat come out of the forest at night to eat you up. There's no way to leave the town, like....mystically.
Gantz(2004) - I am somewhat baffled as to the popularity of this show. The premise is interesting: at the moment of death, you are resurrected in a room with a few other people and you are tasked with going around the city you almost died in and hunting aliens. But there lies the end of all intrigue. No questions are ever answered, the main character is a sexually frustrated coward, the second main character is just a coward, the girl is BARELY a character, she has like no lines and is basically just an object idolized for her breast size and a dog licks her vagina every time it shows up. What the fuck. There are no connecting storylines. And the amount of time it takes for ANY CHARACTER TO DO ANYTHING is as interminable as a DBZ powerup shot. This was fucking terrible. I watched all of it becaues I just couldn't believe they would answer NOTHING and contine zero of the plotlines. And then they killed everyone in like the 14th episode and was like, well, that kind of sucked, and then it was interesting for two episodes? Not a good show.
Goblin Slayer(2019) - A good show. Japanese anime often has such wonderfully crafted stories, it's so weird when they also have ridiculously large breasts on every female character and the camera just lingers there. It's embarassing to be so impressed with the storytelling and then with an awkward three-second sequence remember that the culture who produced it is so sexually repressed. I heard a lot about the opening episode of this show, namely that a girl gets raped by a goblin, and everyone was very shocked by that scene. It wasn't as awful as the scene from *Last House on the Left* by any means and fits right into the story that goblins steal maidens the way they steal all other resources and they use stolen women to reproduce with(or hapless adventurers). It didn't seem gratuitous or out of line with the rest of the story.
gurren Lagann(2007) - This was fun. I don't remember much, people talk about it like it's a legend. Idk. It was fun.
How to With John Wilson(2020) - One of my favorite shows. He just goes about his day doing things he has to figure out or is wondering about and pretends like he's giving you advice on how to cover your furniture with plastic, or go on spring break, and just has conversation after conversation with people until he hits something interesting. And he lives in NYC, so there's lots of interesting things and people happening around him pretty often.
Infinity Train(2019) - really great. I'm surprised people keep dying! Being a Cartoon Network show, but they deal with death, loss, grief, and identity issues really well. In really touching but entertaining ways. And I saw that it was cancelled after four seasons, which seems crazy and not enough time to wrap up such complex storylines. But the storylines thtey have ben able to tell so far are very good.It is interesting that each season(or "book") deals with entirely new characters. Season 3 seemed rushed, but again, there was probably so much more to explore that wasn't possible in 9 11 minute episodes and 1 20 minute episode. I'm really enjoyin gthe show so far. Finished, the fourth season was also really strong, aside from the numbers not being as important for the first time in the series. It definitely should have been renewed, all four seasons were top notch. Weird.
Hannibal(2013) - Probably my favorite telling of Hannibal. Everyone is good, some of them are great, and the whole show is a game. Plus the effects of the metaphors are dazzling.
Hawkeye(2021) - Idk, it's fine. Hailee Steinfeld is gorgeous. I think I just don't like Jeremy Renner much? Although I thought the Hurt Locker and Bourne Legacy were great. Hm. And I am watching the episodes. It just seems like a meta - like every time Hailee talks to Hawkeye about changing his branding it's so obviously the writers trying te explain to the audience why Hawkeye doesn't make jokes and not to worry about how relatively unexciting this show is. Just shoot stuff real cool. That's all I want. And then STeinfeld did shoot stuff, but she like killed a bunch of people in an explosion and instead of saying "Holy shit, I just killed people!' she said "There are four arrows more dangerous than that one?'. It's FINE.
Home Movies(1999) - Super funny, love it, love it, and now I'm going to go see Metalocalypse play live at the TD Pavilion at the Mann in one week. With babymetal. Just great.
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson(2019) - Really funny and weird. I'm glad I rewatched it as I was very drunk the first time I enjoyed the show and the two seasons kind of blurred together. I'm very excited that it was renewed for a third season! His intensity and weirdness and his ideas are so funny. I do like the second season more than the first, I feel like he improved all the shortcomings and while I enjoyed watching season 1, I laughed a lot more at season 2. I don't think I've ever told anyone about it and it isn't crazy popular, so I'm excited to share some of the funnier skits with people. I watched season 3, but some of the cators are starting to act like Tim Robinson instead of themselves, so the acting is weird. It's like they're playing his role. I went back and watched the seasons from 2 that I loved and laughed out loud, but I don't know if I laughed out loud at season 3. Except maybe the first skit with the zipline?
Jupiter's Legacy(2021) - Pretty good. A little too self-indulgent, but it's also clear that the showrunners weren't allowed to do what they wanted to with the show. I like the changes from the comic, but the comic is naturally better. Much more complex, at least once you get to Circle. The changes in the show are overall good, but somewhat conventional in a way the comic isn't. Not fair to compare them too much, and considering all the other crap that keeps getting money, it's a shame that Jupiter's Legacy didn't get even a second season. I think the problem with the producers is a lack of faith in the concept and the problem with the showrunners is trying to stretch out the content. Addendum: Now I read the comics, I see how hard the production team was trying to up-complex the story and characters, but they tried too hard here.
Kino's Journey(2003) - One of my favorite shows, kind of want to make a Halloween costume since I have the bike handy. It would be a good Hermes. This show would basically have been my life if I had not married Gena. I don't know if it would have been better, because I like having a constant companion, but I'm sure I would have enjoyed traveling on the bike around the country. Kino is an androgynous traveler moving between "countries" on her motorrad the size of cities, learning what she can about each country while staying a maximum of three days. Each country is radically different and has an entirely unique culture and set of traditions. There's often a philosophical underpinning to the cultures of each country that is intended to provoke thought about our fundamental life. Is progress important? What if we really did all understand each other? What if everything was legal?
The Little Drummer Girl(2018) - Makes me want to watch the first one. Seemed too posture-ful? Not so authentic? Pugh's perforance might have contributed, but for goodness' sakes she was young in this role. Interesting, but not gripping, the whole show I mean. Michael Shannon is great, because he is always great! He had the severity and weight the show needed, Pugh and...the skarsgaard were too flippant and flighty, too modern to be taken seriously as freedom fighters or spies.
Macgruber(2021) - super funny, I think way funnier than the movie, I was laughing out loud watching it while eating my favorite fried potato dinners in India.
The Mist(2018) - Stephen King retelling, it's fine so far. Everyone is weird in it, like the actors themselves, but I enjoy the concept of the Mist so much it doesn't really bother me. It's fun to go along with the story.
Obi-Wan Kenobi(2021) - Good to see Ewan playing Ben again. But it struck me as pretty dull and very contradictory. And that little Leia was a bad actor. I know it's a child, but geez. His force powers are all weak but then he can hold back an ocean? The absolute cessation of his connection to the Force is not explained very well. We're just supposed to take it for granted that he felt bad and so cannot do any Force magic, but like every other miniseries gets his powers back in the ultimate fight and succeeds because he...believes in himself again? Ewan is the best, but these writers were fart-sniffin' dull. Everybody kept letting everyone else go, but they had no trouble brutally killing dozens of background characters. That part where Vader puts out all the fire, proving he can stop fire using the force. and then someone else lights it and he just is like, well, there's nothing i Can do and LEAVES. Proving flames are completely under his control and then being scared away by literally the same fire he put out happen within twenty seconds of each other. What the heck. I like the Third Sister. That's a cool name and she was a good character. Darth Vader was cool. and Ewan is cool. But overall I was being dragged along behind the plot.
Obliteration(2023) - Tons of goofy shit and tropes, like bullets can't go through sofas or doors, invulnerability, but all of the actors went all out to have fun, and the production was good. Good locations, set pieces, fun. McKnight is the weakest actor, but again, they all had fun and even had a 5th element style sex scene at teh end with the blue light and slow-mo and everything, it was great.
OddTaxi(2021) - Wow, Shyamalan would kill to have written this script. What a great show. I was ready to just chill out and listen to late-night conversations and was wrrroooooong. Dang. Dang dang. Dang dang dang! What a show.
Patriot(2015) - This show is so funny and sad and weird. I love it. The main character is a very good working NOC and the family dynamics are spot on, the different brothers, even the cineematography is so well constructed. This is such an impressive show in all forms, I think maybe it was too dark for people? I don't know, it's difficult to understand why it didn't continue.
Peakcemaker(2022)Really funny and fun to watch. I love the opening dance sequence, and the music and the action, it's a fun ride.
Picket Fences(1992) - Wow. I watched season 1 and was into it. Lots of campy weirdness, but also a lot of real ethical questions. But the second season is blowing me away. I'm halfway through it but want to get the feeling of uncertainty the show is making me feel right now. A drug dealer is let go because the entire town breaks the law and sticks up for her? A kid shoots another kid in school because he wants to kill him? In the second season, the stories are long-form. In the second episode, the mayor dies from spontaneous combustion and the whole show is different. They may have not made the show they wanted to in the first season, but I would urge anyone watching it to ignore the first season and start in season 2. Go back to season 1 later. It's still there. it's still 90s. But it's not as heart-rending. FINISHED! Wow. Season 2 and 3 are amaszing. Season 1 is fine, and Season 4 is totally unfocused and mostly an embarassment to what they were trying to build. Get rid of Don Cheadle? What? It's Don Cheadle, he lends so much common sense to this wacky circus., season 4 was hogwash. But season one is worth it so you can get to two and three. Which are great. I gotta check and see if they switched writers or something.
Picnic at Hanging Rock(2018) - Fantastic. Great mysticism and surrealism twisted with love and sex and coming of age stories. It's great!
Restaurant to Another World(2017) - Fun enough, the short stories were good enough, but the recipes were boooorring and the depictions of the food were boorring. Which is a problem when the whole show is about an interdimensinal restaurant helmed by the best chef ever. I stopped after ep. 5 or so. Just got too boring and one-note.
Rick and Morty(2013) oBVIOUSLY GOOD. I had a great time playing Shaun in Mario Kart on the edge of my bed, both of us wasted, then a night or two later, after watching the entire first season of Rick and Morty, welcoming Josh to China for a visit and watching the entire season again. It's a funny, thoughtful show.
Rings of Power(2022) - Really good first two episodes, introducing a lot of interesting lore I don't know much about, good action and decent special effects. Fun humor, good creepy stuff. And they have black elves and hobbits now, which did have me wondering if there were any non-whites in the LOTR? I don't know, I'm sure I'll watch them again at some point.
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off(2023) - Super fun, I've only finished a few episodes, and was bummed that Scott is actually largely missing from the show, but love that all the voice actors are back. It's still a lot of fun, but I feel that Ramona is so centered her story arc won't be as empathetic? We'll see when I finish it. Love the art too, but I watched the live action movie and it was perfect. It's still such a good movie, they get the comic book feel of it so well.
Search Party(2016) - Loved it, loved every season, impossible to keep going forever, but it's great and worth watching. Watch it have fun.
Single Drunk Female(2022) - Great great great. main actress is great, plot is great, the rehab is real, or seems real to my naive ass, it's great.
Shougeki no Souma(2015) - Food Wars! I learned how to make egg soboro from this show, so it's gold in my book. A lot of the recipes looke great, the sexploitation is uncomfortable, but I did laugh at several other moments throughout and was always excited to see the enxt recipe presented beautifully. Plus, the message is positive overall. I like the challenges too, the show didn't get boring until the last season because they alway found interesting puzzles the chefs had to overcome to make a good dish. Maybe I'd like some of these modern cooking shows after all.
Squid game(2021) - brilliant execution, great actors, very korean in the overstated emotions and the village ties. It's great. I liked everything about the first season and want to see the second.
Single Drunk Femaile(2022) - Not the best name, but a really great show. I was surprised how much I liked Felicia, Sam's best friend who seems like just a party girl in the first episode but then you realize is a serious mouther and way more responsible than Sam. The first episode starts out pretty sitcom, but I think that's supposed to be reflecting how she thinks she's living life but it's just a pale imitation of her acutal life, which starts after she starts gettig sober. Anyway, the continuing relationships of everyone is great, the actors are all great, and the way alcoholism is depicted is great, along with AA. I mean, I don't know from experience, but it just makes sobriety look far less depressing than it usually is. Geez, it's been weeks since I've had a beer. Two months now? Busy with the Patel books. I should take a break soon. Or go on a bender soon. A controlled bender, I don't really go out to bars and go wild, I just buy a twelve-pack and drink it myself while watching Norm Macdonald and playing video games with four different dinners around me. It's great.
Stumptown(2019) - The woman playing Parios is perfect, great attitude, great look, really makes it feels like Stumptown. It's a little too fast paced so far, but it's an enjoyable rednition of Stumptown, and I was surprised to find out how many episodes they made considering how dense the episodes are.
Ted Lasso(2018) - I ended up watching the first and second season in just a few days. It's a little too comercially popular, somewhat bland for my taste, but I didn't have a lot to do at the time and there were enough fun twists and good comedy that I sat through it.
The Boys(2019) - I liked the first season, was confused by the second and by the third it's like. Just stick to literally any decisions, guys. They can kill homelander. Don't. They have an ally. Turn on him. kill all Supes! let's be friends. I'm not a killer, it's - okay wait I want to be a killer actively, which my lover cannot live with actually he's fine with it and we're cool. Yes, there are good stories, but obviously I keep comparing it to teh comic. And when I read the COMIC for the first time? Which actually might have been 2019? I was blown away, just shit all over my brain insane, what a CRAZY story the entire ride through. With the show, I'm like...okay. so...he cares about the video-oh no, he - oh but there's - oh nope, that guy's gone. For a reason that existed all along. Nothing really jumps out at me in the show, I forget the episodes directly after watching them(MM isn't even...he's just a dude?) whereas I pondered the comic literally for years. Still today I think about certain moments in the comic.
Ultra City Smiths(2021) - - super funny, loved the musical number in the first episode. Shit I think I lost a bunch of my reviews somehow. dang. Anyway, show is good.
Unprecedented(2022) - This was weird. It was less interesting than just watching Donald Trump talk for an hour. It didn't seem to expose much(anything, in my eyes) that isn't widely known. The Trumps are shallow people who focus on shouting platitudes that stoke fear or desire. We got to see them all being vain and creepy, but not in any deeper way than usual. When I read the reddit AMA that the filmmaker did, it sounded like he had achieved his aim, which was simply to document the last 6 months of Trump's failure to get reelected, but...maybe it will be interesting to first-time viewers in a hundred years who never know the family. Right now, it almost reads like an E! news segment. Even though the filmmaker has made it clear that he does not like the family and they had no editorial control over the film at all. It also feels like a lot of the scenes were important to him, the filmmaker, but do not help elucidate the viewer as to what the filmmaker finds interesting. It is a documentary, but there is nothing there that isn't already available. That I saw in it, anyways. It felt like I should watch it, and I kept waiting for some reveal, but it just kept being bland, with hokey music playing in the background - it was very much like a youtube interviewer was somehow able to get access to the backroom of the first family. Very surreal in the shallowness of the documentary. It would have been exceedingly difficult to extract any interesting tidbits from the family after they had been politicians for four years and were in the home stretch and being defensnive, to be fair, but I watch a lot of docs and this miniseries did not teach me anything. Which surprised me, considering they are the only camera crew to be that close to Trump.
Wayward Pines(2015) - Wow. All the acting is terrible. The characters are pretty divorced from the book. Matt Dillon looks like he's barely awake. It's too bad, becaues I feel like there could be a very fun interpretation of the books. It did have two seasons? Maybe I can try the second episode? Literally so boring I couldn't finish the first. Even with murder and my favorite weird-creepy where am I what is this place going on, just a snoozefest.
Weird City(2019) - Pretty funny, a little over the top sometimes, idk. It was fun.